Mya Burgoon
How I Got Here
I started on my journey to birth work in 2009 after my first baby was born at home into the hands of an amazing midwife. That was all it took; I was hooked on birth and how wonderful it could be. I asked what books I needed to start reading to become a midwife and I slowly, new baby in tow started on this long journey to the many forms of birth work I do. While I had lots of littles at home I knew that diving into midwifery full-time would be hard and so I began this journey into doula work! It was a good balance to keep myself involved in birth and how amazing women are as I home-schooled my children and attended midwifery school. I took a CAPPA doula training in 2014 and have been attending births and helping women ever since. A few years later after my best friend had her second baby I started learning and preparing placentas for encapsulation as well as attending the births. This has been a wonderful addition to my doula work and I have come to respect and admire the organ that our bodies create each time we create a baby. I graduated from midwifery school in 2019 and became a Certified Professional Midwife in 2021. I would love to talk to you about your baby and your birth and how I can help you have the birth every woman deserves. Consults are free, email or text me today!
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